When he had finished he made a simple announcement.
Both were simple voice-over announcements, lacking any sort of jingle packing.
Rosemary decided on simple engraved announcements, with nothing but the baby's name, their name, and the date.
That she had done this, the public read in the journals of the day, and the simple announcement cast a softening light upon her character.
My purpose in speaking with you tonight is, however, beyond the simple announcement of my impending visits.
Then his voice changed into that vibrant huskiness which is commonly the tone of the most simple and deadly announcements.
The president did sign the bill sometime today, doing so without ceremony or even a simple announcement by the White House.
The simple announcement meant all transporter circuits were on-line-- every single one of them.
One day a simple announcement was made through the universes: from then on, nobody had to die.
This simple announcement was modest in the extreme, covering, as it did, charity so broad.