The roof, which sloped from two stories to one above the kitchen, was similarly occupied.
Most of Charleston was similarly occupied.
At the far end, about three hundred yards away an archway let through to what appeared to be a similar chamber, similarly occupied.
The fish that I caught later ranged from less than five pounds to more than 15, and everyone else was similarly occupied.
At a time of year when many travel agents are busy selling Caribbean getaways, Moustafa Ahmed is similarly occupied.
Jules pulled him to safety, noticing that Yvonne and Jacques were similarly occupied rescuing others of the candidates.
The next room was similarly occupied.
If your parents are not similarly occupied, separate during campus visits and compare notes.
The other portrayed elephants similarly occupied, I tried not to look.
Redline the Stars 247 The Captain, drawing upon his own considerable knowledge of first aid, was similarly occupied.