Amis's other novels of the 1950s and early 1960s similarly depict situations from contemporary British life, often drawn from Amis's own experiences.
Robinson's meadow view, which gives the moon a pale presence in a brushy white sky, similarly depicts silhouetted willows and poplars, of a much lighter green, across an expanse of shadowy green field.
Trace Memory similarly depicts Jack as a freelance Torchwood agent, living and working in the late 1960s.
When he is being interviewed or photographed by members of the press, he will similarly depict them as they concentrate on him.
His Rhythm of the Bow (1912) similarly depicts the movements of a violinist's hand and instrument, rendered in rapid strokes within a triangular frame.
The 1954 film King Richard and the Crusaders, loosely based on The Talisman, similarly depicts him as a villain, played by Michael Pate.
Smallville is also the setting of the television series Smallville which similarly depicts the young Clark Kent.
It became a classic, setting the tone for his future works that would similarly depict animals-especially predators who were often demonized in literature-as compassionate, individualistic beings.
"Celebrations of the New World" similarly depicts a fiction shared by two siblings - though in this case Alzheimer's disease, not escapist daydreaming, is the underlying cause.