Historians now suggest that similarity with Stryjkowski's works resulted from using the same document, maybe even the original third redaction, as the source.
In one sense, it is easy to argue that similarities result because designers are exposed to the same cultural efflux.
They believe that these similarities result from archetypes present in the unconscious levels of every person's mind.
The similarity of both the call and the game situation resulted in mentions on national news broadcasts.
Although crossovers typically occur between homologous regions of matching chromosomes, similarities in sequence can result in mismatched alignments.
But even among architects with instantly recognizable styles, it's rarely possible to state with certainty which similarities result from direct imitation and which are coincidental.
However, these similarities may not be inherited from a common ancestor, but result from either parallel or convergent evolution.
The general conclusion is that these similarities result mostly from the sharing of ancient genetic patterns, and not from more recent admixture between the groups.
The similarity of the Opawa and Lyttelton routes had resulted in their amalgamation by December 1984 and the route number 13 was no longer used.
The clinical similarities between the individuals resulted in the classification of a new genetic syndrome.