It may also reduce errors caused by ambiguities involving rhyming, or similar-sounding, words.
(As it happens, a similar-sounding word in Russian can also imply a life that's up and down.)
The unintentionally incorrect use of similar-sounding words or phrases in speaking is a malapropism.
You can also ask for antonyms, synonyms, similar-sounding words, and words with the same prefix or consonant pattern, among other features.
The etymological root of the word silat is uncertain and most hypotheses link it to any similar-sounding word.
Such similar-sounding words are called a homonym, while similar-sounding phrases or names would be a holorime.
Other similar-sounding words have been proposed but none have been proven.
It is a pun, a play on similar-sounding words.
The first and most common form presented is wordplay using homonyms that deliberately exploits ambiguity between similar-sounding words for humorous or rhetorical effect.
And often, instead of writing verses, he just puts similar-sounding words next to one another, letting listeners draw their own conclusions.