A similar waiver concerning China sets off an annual human rights debate in Congress, and the arguments would probably be equally heated in Vietnam's case.
The officials said as many as 600 other players across the country had been granted similar waivers in recent months.
As of June 2011, similar waivers of military grooming policies, allowing beards, have been granted to at least two Muslim soldiers.
A similar waiver that the Pataki administration received a year ago expires at the end of next month.
Executives who want to accept early-retirement packages must sign a similar waiver.
Others offer similar waivers without the added interest charges.
Five more states have similar waivers pending.
The Federal Government has approved similar waivers from the current Medicaid payment system in about a dozen other states.
Other airlines were expected to issue similar waivers as the snowstorm started affecting airports throughout the Northeast early last night.
Hospitals and other employers of nurses are considered likely to seek a similar waiver a year from now when the current policy runs out.