The other Girls would have had to send money home but Jane set aside a similar sum to tide her over periods of unemployment.
The cash would be matched by a similar sum from private companies.
Your dead husband must have had to do similar sums, didn't he?
In the next decade, maintaining production will cost $50 billion, with a similar sum required for development.
Lancaster himself had to enter into a recognizance of £30,000 and similar large sums were required from his most important followers.
He shrugged off the loss while another Japanese gambler who lost a similar sum of money took his own life.
People tend to spend time, and everything else, in the company of others who possess roughly similar sums of money.
His salary as councillor was £1,000 a year, and he enjoyed a similar sum as commissioner.
The Japanese were quick to promise similar sums.
Each raised a similar sum of money, but Carson won 53 percent that November.