Producers had previously reached similar settlements with the four other states totaling $40 billion over 25 years.
"It's not far removed from what we're after, but time is running out for Microsoft to reach a similar settlement now."
It mostly shared the history of other similar settlements in the area, including Białowieża itself.
For instance, he said, given time, he would have come to a similar settlement on the community gardens.
Yesterday's agreement in Riga follows similar settlements with the other two states.
The county, which filed for bankruptcy protection in December 1994, agreed to a similar settlement.
The attorney general has said he is seeking similar settlements with several big brokers and insurance companies.
A usufruct is distinct from a trust or similar settlement.
"Why do you think Israelis fear a similar settlement now with Palestinians?"
Once the agency set the new rules, those companies were no longer under pressure to agree to similar settlements.