He plays in similar respect to Bilstein, barring a few specials.
And I expect a similar respect in return.
Reg finally let out a pent-up breath and looked at the captain, who was regarding him with similar respect.
In many respects similar to family trees, hierarchies can be set up with 'parents' and 'descendants'.
Main courses show a similar respect for the fresh, natural flavors of ingredients.
Education in the arts, he argued, should be treated with similar respect, particularly since art often had the character of a secular religion.
A few said that they would like to be a 'Towny' or at least be able to command similar respect.
The female is without horns, but is in other respects similar to the male.
The two countries had approximately the same standard of living and were in many respects quite similar.
Some black lawyers and clergymen could not show similar respect for either the law or the public interest.