A similar quandary holds true for the nearly 40,000 former Soviet doctors, dentists, engineers and architects who have arrived in the last two years.
Many dancers face a similar quandary: where to turn professionally when a career has dried up or lost its appeal.
Many Democrats here find themselves in a similar quandary.
Now the United States and its allies find themselves in a similar quandary.
Realizing he was not alone in this quest, he began to focus on others in similar quandaries.
Mr. Moss's building puts the critic in a similar quandary.
I faced a similar quandary last year.
Many other businesses in New Orleans, particularly those with public shareholders, face a similar quandary.
For the oligarchs, there is a similar quandary.
Massachusetts faced a similar quandary at a recent state semifinal in volleyball in which boys as well as girls were competing.