They were considering this a prologue to the time when they would hold the cloaked avenger in a similar plight.
Elric saw that his companions were experiencing a similar plight.
Her master was in a similar plight, for he had but just begun to eat when the magistrate arrived with the soldiers.
The food has a similar plight: the menu is interesting and intriguing, but the execution could be way better.
She tried not to remember that by now Isarg might all too easily have wound up in a similar plight.
His mind snapped up the thought that he could put The Shadow in a similar plight by calling, on those who still hesitated!
Was Ann in a similar plight, imprisoned in some other place like this?
Kolb and Rodgers reached out to one another to share their similar plights.
While somewhat more muted because they were not subject to the woes of a share accumulation plan, other major financial intermediaries experienced a similar plight.
Other regions of the kingdom, if they see themselves in similar plight, may take heart from a Northern intention and expression of spirit.