Judging from the people you know locally, is the pattern of occupations similar in your street or district?
Before joining his guard, they had all worked as stevedores or in similar occupations.
Both shows had the same director, concept, characters with similar occupations, similar name for the main female lead, and even timeslot.
Many Europeans at the time worked in similar occupations.
In general the French earned less money than we did in similar occupations - and worked longer hours for it.
He said excitedly that nearly seventy similar occupations were happening across the country.
A teacher, a policeman, an electrician, a tuner and others with similar occupations lived at No. 442.
His father is a ticket collector on the train, and wants him to get into a similar occupation as well.
Some 5,000 women performed similar occupations during Canada's part in the Korean War of 1950-1953.
Brompton has been home to many writers and actors, and those in similar occupations.