A similar massacre occurred in nearby Pataudi.
Another similar massacre took place in the island Hydra, one of the most important Aegean islands.
Messina and other cities opened their gates to avoid a similar massacre.
Fever Pitch loses control of his powers soon after, resulting in a similar massacre.
Had great - grandfather found a similar massacre?
Hauck was also the author of a similar massacre in Leskovice in May 1945.
When the Marines were withdrawn a second time later in 2004 there were similar massacres of local police.
Although they efficiently find and dispatch all four shooters, dozens of people are killed; similar massacres occur at most of the other targeted sites.
This killing, the reports said, was followed by "similar massacres in our training camps in Lebanon that liquidated most of the central committee members."
The killings touched off a wave of similar massacres throughout Morocco.