Two other companies use the name Mammoet and a similar logo:
The magazine, which otherwise used a similar logo to that of the American version, was published by Telemedia.
These stations are very similar and use similar logos.
It is the co-sponsor of Drapers' Academy who use a similar logo.
The campaign has exactly the same message, same name and even very similar logos.
The partnership ended in 2006, after one of its supporters died, but the club kept the similar logo, kits and colors.
Aliprox supermarkets are not owned by Eroski, despite having a similar logo.
All these teams have the same hues as Pogon, and similar logos.
In promotional materials for these products, all employed a similar logo that featured a different color in the background.
Despite the same name and very similar logo, it is no relation to the O2 telecommunications brand, which was launched 4 years later.