Could the Democrats make a similar gesture this year?
She shrugged and looked toward her companion, who made a similar gesture.
The fact that I had been on the point of making a similar heroic gesture was quite ignored, and this only increased my irritation.
The figure has also been exported to India and other countries where a similar gesture is used.
After a moment the third elder took it up, his gestures similar but not in step with those of the other two.
It is also traditional, in all branches of Judaism, to show respect to one's parent using a similar gesture.
Muyana was making similar gestures, though farther from the table.
If you're using Sky+, you can use similar gestures to rewind or fast forward.
Other attacks are triggered using similar gestures with the Nunchuk.
It would therefore be unfair if our Polish friends did not reciprocate with a similar gesture.