There have been scores of similar finds.
When once he had become interested in strange objects, and the way to use them, he began to explore various likely places for similar finds.
Compared to similar finds, all of these burials should have usually contained other jewellery and utensils.
Recently, Richard Shaver has given a detailed description of a civilization inside the world, and other explorers are alerted for similar finds.
The fact that no similar finds were known from Europe did not raise any concern, as it was believed that more were to follow.
Numerous similar finds have been made at for example, Bu on the Mainland and Pierowall Quarry on Westray.
The Bevaix boat presents a very distinctive caulking technique, which clearly differentiated it from similar finds of this period from other parts of Europe.
Where similar finds are consistently found in layers dated to the same period of time, it can be assumed that these finds belong to that time period.
He wouldn't know for sure until he could study the statue under a high-resolution magnifier, and access a database to check on similar finds, if any.
The Lord of Sipían tomb, considered one of the richest pre-Columbian sites ever found, was discovered in 1987, firing the ambitions of those hoping to make similar spectacular finds.