Bryan said, "There was a similar custom during the ancient day of our Earth.
In the neighboring community of Pfullingen, there is a similar custom with a cake called "star".
The Archies may well have had no similar custom, but they, too, were silent until the humans began speaking again.
The newcomers themselves wanted to settle as close as possible to people with a familiar language and similar customs.
These peoples share a common language and have similar customs.
He also notes that a rather similar custom existed in his day among Southern Slavs.
Interestingly, anthropologists have discovered that certain peoples today still follow similar customs.
They are Hindu, and have customs similar to other Kewat groups.
It was, she recognized, a ritual of welcome - the Scots observed a similar custom.
It wasn't a formal policy; people generally just preferred to work among those with similar customs, outlooks, and environmental needs.