Forensic analysis of the metal fragments taken from the site suggested that the bomb had been in a beer barrel or similar container.
They had realized they would have to create another container, similar to but far larger than the sphere.
When stripping chair or table legs, it is often easier to stand the leg in an empty coffee can or similar container.
There were several similar open-topped containers which, from their smell, may have contained outlandish food.
All she saw was other containers, similar to her own.
He carried a container, similar to a waterbag, over his shoulder.
Instead, pour paint into a plastic painter's bucket or similar container until it is about a third full.
A similar container used for joining wires to electrical switches or sockets is called a pattress.
A bottle garden is a container similar to a terrarium in which plants are grown.
Bubble Tape comes in a small, round, plastic container similar in size to a hockey puck.