State Route 147 was established on June 26, 1933 along an alignment similar to the current one, with two key differences.
Pennsylvania Route 863 - a highway that follows a similar alignment to PA 737 to the east.
At times, the Rangers seemed to be playing a neutral-zone trap, a defensive alignment similar to that of the Devils.
There are hundreds of other lesser faults and folds which follow a similar alignment - a trend known as the Caledonoid trend.
A similar portentous alignment is occurring this month in the personal computer industry as several major companies introduce new or improved operating system software.
D&Ds gods are "strongly aligned", and their clerics must follow a similar alignment.
"In America, Massachusetts and Ohio have similar alignments, which is why they produce so many presidents."
Several similar alignments have occurred in the past without resulting in any additional natural activity on Earth.
A similar alignment will not occur again until the middle of the 22nd century.
It was never built, although Route 81 follows a similar alignment.