It was modeled on similar national agencies found in Europe.
He said that if similar agencies opened in another country the United States would lose control over how much cash is sent.
Each of the provinces and territories of Canada has their own similar agency.
But he and others note that South Africa's truth commission will have greater powers than similar agencies set up in other countries in recent years.
Over the past 15 years, several other similar community-based agencies have lost city contracts for various reasons including poor performance or mismanagement.
The union leaders enumerated their bargaining priorities and explained why true free agency, similar to the system in baseball, tops the list.
Others have fallen to the city and its housing authority and similar agencies.
It was the model for similar agencies that fought desegregation in other states.
No attempt has been made to create a similar multidisciplinary regulatory agency in Australia.
Such gripes are familiar territory to those running similar agencies throughout Europe.