The first was a series of generic ads similar to the doomsday ads Teddy had put together.
But a likelier explanation for the appearance of three such similar ads is that some ideas are simply of their time.
He said that if other unions took strike votes, the paper would place similar ads to replace those union members.
He settled the case for $200,000, and Soldier of Fortune has not run a similar classified ad since the murder.
She wrote that similar ads would run periodically through the fall and would "continue to develop this theme."
The company plans a nationwide rollout of similar ads in major metropolitan areas this year.
Experts believe it and similar hard-edged ads are among the reasons smoking rates have fallen over all in California.
Horowitz has gained publicity by placing or attempting to place similar ads in a number of student newspapers across the country.
A similar ad, the campaign said, will be shown upstate.
The complaint also cites similar ads on television and radio.