We will provide similar accommodation to candidates who are invited to the Oral Assessment.
It's a shame that other colleges and tribes aren't finding a way to make similar accommodations.
Bihar recently lowered to third grade, from sixth, the stage at which it begins teaching English, and many states have similar accommodations.
Or the boss might have one travel agent make the arrangements for all employees, booking everyone into similar accommodations.
But it comes too late for the residents of the Carlton and the thousands of others in similar accommodations around the state.
"You can get similar accommodations in other convention cities for far less money."
For similar accommodations with bath shared with one other room, the cost is $127 single and $176 double.
Resort room: similar to the Hollywood Hip but larger and with more accommodations.
Lindisfarne is also home to a number of large retirement villages and similar senior-citizen accommodations.
The room rates are intended to fall below prices for similar accommodations in Manhattan by $50 to $100 a night.