Sliding down the steep surface he reached the floor and found himself standing on a silvery band of metal.
The silvery band shimmered as if a thousand eyes were looking up at him.
From bottom left to top right runs a silvery band.
Even his silvery bands turned black with dirt.
On the flanks there is a broad silvery band.
On the underside, there is a thick black central band, with a silvery band on either side.
Females usually have no other markings but males are marked with two silvery white bands.
The result is a beautiful velvety-textured surface dyed a night blue with a broad silvery band of moonlight running lyrically through it.
Finally, she found what she sought, bringing a silvery band of metal into the sunlight.
The silvery bands of metal, out of key with the rest of the landscape, stretched inexorably west.