There were dishes in the sink and one of the silverware drawers was open an inch.
"Down laelow, under the silverware drawer," she said.
Smug at his obvious surprise, I adjusted the flame under the pot and dug in my silverware drawer for a finger stick.
One evening he hurls the silverware drawer at his wife and injures her.
A crash came from the kitchen, a silverware drawer flung across the room.
To the bread cupboard, and then to the silverware drawer.
"Oh, well," she said, and went back into the "Hide" facility to snitch one from the silverware drawer at home.
He gingerly slid open the silverware drawer, peeked in the cabinets.
I called out as he made a lot of noise tearing open paper and rummaging through the silverware drawer.
He slid the meat onto a saucer, found a clean fork in the silverware drawer, and began to eat his dinner standing at the counter.