There were four petals, with points resting on the ground, each six feet long, ivory-white inside, exquisitely patterned with glittering silver veins.
Windows were arches covered with a thick membrane, laced with delicate silver veins.
Light glanced across the land, out of silver veins of rivers, and lakes dropped like small coin on the green earth.
"I think it's where the silver vein that played out in the Lost Wife Mine reappears."
However, mining the silver veins was delayed for the most part until smelters were built in the late 1860s.
When actively mined, the silver vein of argentiferous galena (silver-bearing lead) was large and well defined.
Epithermal gold and silver veins are found along the intrusive contacts.
There were many such rivers, running down the slopes of the foothills like silver veins to fill the lakes and spread them further over the marshland.
The first Spaniards came to Huaylas attracted by the fame of the silver veins of the region.
A major silver vein had been discovered in the mine, but Gillespie was convinced that the vein also ran under a number of other, nearby mines.