Then a silver trumpet sounded, and the two rivals started on their race, looking for all the world like a greyhound chasing a hare.
The word sounded among us like the call of a silver trumpet bringing an army of knights to our rescue.
The silver trumpet, has a bell diameter of 4 inches and a length of 22 inches.
His longsword crackles with electricity, and he carries a burnished silver trumpet.
A man with a silver trumpet begins playing taps.
A brother gave us a silver trumpet from Cartier.
Maytera Mint knelt, and again the silver trumpet sounded.
He also plays a silver trumpet and usually has a rose in his hand.
His m rang like a silver trumpet, and as he spoke he fed, so that the fire of his gaze caught every eye.
He became interested in playing trumpet after watching a newspaper salesman play a silver trumpet.