The silver spear of light failed to rise, but the strangeness of her world did not go away.
Qwc dropped his fork with a clatter and plucked the foot-and-a-half-long silver spear from the air.
The silver spear spun out and sank beneath the waves with a tiny splash.
Gone were the tall silver spears, the glowing torches that had lighted the great hall.
He spoke of two-headed monsters, of silver spears, of houses that floated upon the ocean.
Also in her hand she held a little silver spear.
Within their circle was planted the silver spear of Othin, next to it the sacred fire of Loki.
Saw a giant rabbit that was running away from silver spears falling out of the sky.
Outside the storm had redoubled its efforts, rain beating down like tiny silver spears.
Instead, they circle each other with stylized wariness, as a silver spear hovers over their heads.