The fine-tuning of the design continued through the end of silver production with pieces dated 1964.
However, by the 18th century, declining silver production and economic diversification greatly diminished royal income.
Despite these conditions, silver production fluctuated dramatically during the colonial period.
Major silver production ended by 1887, although there was a slight revival in the 1910s.
During the 1970s, nearly half of the nation's silver production came from the Silver Valley.
Major silver production ended by 1887, although there was a slight revival later.
Around 1830, silver production dropped off dramatically, leading to a general economic depression in the region.
However, only about 10% of Arizona's silver production came from silver mining.
The result was greatly increased silver production on the one hand and improved government revenues on the other.
Beginning in the 1860s, silver production rose and the price decreased.