The buzzing sigh swelled further, the sound taking form, a faint silver haze, just visible against the dark walls.
When the silver haze lifts, Brill turns toward the structure that looms there - newly built.
The moon's pale light danced across the face of the still water and bathed Alex in a shimmering silver haze.
On the cart was a tripod and a device that looked somehow incomplete, ending in a silver haze.
A silver haze clung to the high ground, but the air below was clear.
The warm silver haze still hung over the city as Coin padded through the damp grass until he reached the centre.
From the silver haze that circled the disk, he gathered that this must be the real moon tonight.
There was a silver haze high in the air.
Out of the silver haze a shadow moved.
I opened my eyes and saw the silver haze of the moon on the far horizon, across the lake.