The Spanish silver fleet, which carried silver from Spanish colonies to Spain, were seized by Piet Heyn in 1628.
With the peace becoming increasingly uneasy, the English government became concerned over the possible fate of the Spanish silver fleet, due to arrive in European waters from America.
He beat 110 other iceboaters, which made him the champion of the silver fleet.
Piet Heyn was lucky that the news didn't reached Vera Cruz and the silver fleet sailed out from there.
The 1628 Spanish silver fleet of Mexico departed early.
The Spanish silver fleet from Mexico left again from Vera Cruz.
Although hey were now very sure that the silver fleet could not escape, they didn't knew why the fleet was so late.
During the night the guard of the Witte Leeuw sighted down under their bow a Spanish merchant ship that was lost from the Spanish silver fleet.
As a mist of light In whirling flight A glint like glass she made Wherever her feet Of silver fleet Flicked the dancing-floor.
This was followed by Buckingham leading the Army and the Navy to sea to intercept an anticipated Spanish silver fleet from its American territories.