Near the middle of night a ghost appeared, wearing pale robes and a silver fillet supporting twenty moonstones on long silver stalks.
Tanna was dressing in a more elaborate version of her black silk outfit, this one piped at every seam and hem with silver; she had a silver mesh belt instead of a silk sash, and a silver fillet with a black moonstone instead of a headband confining her midnight hair.
Tonight, perhaps to please Dame Flora, she wore a white frock and a silver fillet enameled with white daisies to contain her hair; she made a charming picture, to which Tristano was by no means oblivious.
Rhydon, to the right of Bran, wore a simple tunic and cloak of midnight blue, his dark hair confined by a silver fillet across the brow.
She sat glowering as her hair was brushed once again 'for the sake of a job well done', as Lady Desdea put it, then confined by a silver fillet set with cabochons of lapis lazuli.
Crossing to where he stood she bowed herself before him until her silver fillet touched his feet.
Thick-curling chestnut hair, bound by a light silver fillet, billowed over her shoulders and burned to red, living gold where the sun-rays searched it out through the foliage.
NOTES 1 The Elendilmir is named in a footnote to Appendix A (I, iii) to The Lord of the Rings: the Kings of Arnor wore no crown, "but bore a single white gem, the Elendilmir, Star of Elendil, bound on their brows with a silver fillet."
Then he saw that she had caused the white gem to be set as a star in a silver fillet; and at her asking he bound it on her forehead.
"I do visualize" her withy-slim among crooked dwarf trees, sunlight flaring off her silver fillet and sheening copper along her hair, brilliant eyes and gallant smile ... beside her a man who has long been her single companion.