He walked around to the back of the chair and regarded the silver cuffs.
This, embodied in the silver cuffs, ate light instead.
Unfastening the silver cuff, she pulled it loose, snapped it closed, and hung it on one of the pegs.
Only the chief stood out - in eye-popping loincloth of shocking pink and silver cuffs.
They eventually encounter a demon who would have taken Artemis through time had Butler not touched Artemis and worn silver cuffs.
The sight of the silver cuffs sent Walt Scheel to the floor.
She took off the wide silver cuff and washed it in the holy water.
The first bracelet was the silver cuff, created to spur conversation about what was, in 1993, a sensitive topic.
It was a silver cuff lined with felt.
As she spoke, she fingered the silver cuff that clung to one pointed ear-no doubt some magical device that translated her speech, Rethnor surmised.