One by one a series of massive silver canisters were released from the main hold of the ship and fell into the clouds below.
He lit the kindling with matches from a silver canister, and piled on more wood than was prudent, Miranda thought.
Two techs, a man and a woman, give up on trying to make the celebs work smoothly and open the silver canisters carrying the inducers.
"And if he sees a shiny silver canister down there?"
The first things his eyes distinguished in the somber gloom were large silver canisters.
Pausing long enough to attach a safety line to a wall eyelet, Lee maneuvered himself over to the silver canister.
The silver canisters were color-coded: one group blue, one yellow to mark those which carried the anesthetic and the accelerator.
He was plugging the cable from the notebook into the silver canister.
I was about to peer around the comer when I saw a shiny silver canister on a table just inside the enclosed area.
In his hand, he clutched a tiny silver canister.