A silver bust of Aspreno is found in Naples Cathedral.
The silver bust of the Saint crowns the whole, but it was added in a later stage.
To this day, priests carry a silver bust of the saint into the vineyards and olive groves each spring to enlist his help in achieving a bountiful crop.
Back in Stresa that evening, we spotted a rather fine silver bust of Mussolini in an art shop window.
There was also an embossed silver bust of Candidus.
Cawley took a few seconds to answer, played with a silver bust of a horse on the corner of his desk.
In the crypt is a silver bust of the saint, which is raised from the sarcophagus every year at the pilgrimage time at the end of July.
A reliquary is one of the first things you see in the exhibition, a life-size gilded silver bust of St. Ludmila herself, probably commissioned by Charles.
In a lateral niche is the silver bust of St. Nicandro with a some relics of martyrs.