Without a sign of irony, an evening of experimental theater is supplanted by a happy musical, silly lyrics intact.
With all the success Flood enjoyed, some fans and critics were disarmed by its polished production and slightly sillier lyrics.
Rapper" - a serious-toned rap with somewhat silly lyrics.
Very much like bubblegum Eurodance, it usually has extremely silly or utterly meaningless lyrics.
Sherman, who died in 1973, worked one of the oldest shticks there is: putting new, silly lyrics to someone else's songs.
The silly, bawdy lyrics have only the vaguest relation to the Japanese port city of Nagasaki.
"The Frim Fram Sauce" is best remembered for its silly lyrics.
I don't think we should spend so much effort trying to understand the silly lyrics of ephemeral songs or worrying about the performers who sing them.
Even with the weird pronunciation and silly lyrics, this is a corker.
Meanwhile I had made up some silly lyrics which would serve my purpose.