A short silken skirt of flaming crimson molded her full hips, and was upheld by a broad beadworked girdle.
She smoothed the silken skirt of the dress.
He watched her dash down the street in a flurry of torn silken skirt and tattered petticoat.
Mrs Gotobed's hands, stroking her silken skirt, made a faint, rasping sound.
The red fire glinted on a white or a silken skirt, the lanterns gleamed on the transient heads of the wedding guests.
The body still lay as he had first seen it, silent, motionless, in breast-plates of jeweled gold, gilded sandals and silken skirt.
Nothing is more literally colorful than the bright red of Mr. Shen's silken scarlet skirt as it flows down the steps behind him.
Yet there they were-- gold breast-plates set with concentric circles of small gems, gilded sandals, and a short silken skirt upheld by a jeweled girdle.