Paul Brunat opens the first modern Japanese silk spinning factory at Tomioka.
There is an image of a silk spinning machine powered by a water wheel that dates to 1313.
Working at home under the domestic system, silk spinning and silk treatment employed many people and increased the income of the working class.
Other industries include cotton ginning/cleaning, silk spinning, fruit canning, meat packing, and, in the dryer regions, sheep farming.
Brocklehursts continued long silk spinning in Macclesfield until the 1950s.
As at the opening of the station, its goods yard was connected with a silk spinning mill a short distance away.
The cribellum is a silk spinning organ found in certain spiders.
The rulers of the town attempted to open a silk spinning factory and a glass factory during the 18th century, though these were not successful.
The silk spinning and production of kelagai in Azerbaijan slumped after the fall of the USSR.
The first silk spinning shop, the Filanda Marcato Ancilotto, was established in 1870.