Her anxiety has taken the form of shoplifting: she has stashed expensive silk lingerie in her baby's stroller and slipped lipsticks up her sleeve.
Long, and lithe, surely leading up to skimpy silk lingerie.
In 2008 she posed in a range of retro-style satin and silk lingerie for Myla's autumn and winter collection.
Whilst studying he set up a mail order company specialising in silk lingerie called "A Touch of Silk".
She loves silk lingerie and expensive steaks.
This showed her decadence as clearly as if she'd been caught buying silk lingerie at one of Beijing's new department stores.
Chapter 10 Garak moved the silk lingerie closer to the front door.
Your sexiest silk lingerie - this is an uber-seductive lovers' hideaway.
Continuing their expansion, on February 4, 2011 LELO launched Sussurra, their own line of silk lingerie and loungewear.
Cord lavished her with gowns and gloves and bonnets, purchased skimpy silk lingerie she was embarrassed to carry out of the shop yet yearned to wear for him.