Dolls wearing silk clothing appeared out of it.
Today, one can still see the silk clothing of the dolls sparkling in the sun.
Pulling on silk clothing after a leisurely wash and shave .
There might be a little wetting, drying and/or mild chemicals used, to make sure the silk clothing stays strong for years as it normally does.
Among the items by more than 300 artisans will be jewelry, furniture, musical instruments, silk clothing, bowls and boxes.
Dravidian women wore some of the finest silk clothing of their times.
The Singkil dance is identifiable with the use of umbrellas and silk clothing.
Chinese puppets, with ceramic heads and silk clothing, are $8.50 to $85.
There are a large variety of silk clothing, and these are in good demand all over the world.
She had not adopted silk clothing, however.