Shortly after, mining would become the area's greatest source of prosperity, along with silk mills and stone quarries.
This was one of the largest silk mills in the vicinity, although it started life as a corn mill.
There were 71 silk mills operating in 1832.
Firms went bankrupt and while there were 70 silk mills in 1826 by 1832 there were only 41.
In the 1930's and 40's, many sought jobs in the silk mills.
Ebenezer was moved closer to the Savannah River in 1736, and at its new location many silk mills were opened.
This pattern carried on one which already characterised the silk mills that had been set up following the success of the Derby mill.
His father owned several silk mills in the region, and moved the family to different towns as demanded by his work.
In her first major issue, she led the efforts that blocked state plans to build a highway that would have destroyed some old silk mills.
The power made by this torrent was used first for silk mills.