Among the run of late silent shorts which constitute some of the duo's best work, That's My Wife is an unheralded entry.
This last known copy was at MGM's Vault no.7 in 1967 and was destroyed with other silent shorts.
He went on to appear on both the London and American stage, making his film debut in some silent shorts during 1919.
In total, Hardy starred or co-starred in more than 250 silent shorts, about 150 of which have been lost.
You will not regret it, for these silent shorts will have you doubled over with laughter.
This series would run for seven years, through about 23 silent shorts and another 40 sound shorts.
The first films shot in Paraguay were a series of silent shorts by Argentine director Ernesto Gunche in 1905.
At 2 P.M. it will show five silent shorts starring Laurel and Hardy.
The silent films also appeared on various television programs that also featured various Our Gang silent shorts.
Foster's company produced four films that were silent shorts.