Hearing this, they were all so astonished that they were silent for a time, regarding the stranger with wondering looks.
The pro-governmental press remained silent regarding the facts of the massacre, leaving the claims unchallenged.
Why was the Vatican silent regarding the Fascist gassing of civilians in that campaign?
Parents were able to gain little information from authorities, who remained silent regarding the issue while the crisis continued.
Agatha Parker was unaccountably silent regarding that short peremptory cable he had sent on his big night in town.
He was silent for a moment, regarding the sea of questioning faces around the table.
But both Portuguese and local sources are silent regarding the number of Sitawaka casualties.
(British law had previously been silent regarding other uses of the stone.)
The Constitution is equally silent regarding the government's paying for the education of private individuals and the financial support of private schools.
Jones has remained silent regarding the identity of her son's father.