The man shuddered briefly, then looked up at her in silent defiance.
It roared silent defiance at him, but Rincewind wasn't having any.
Clutching his spear in his left fist, Llew raised the spear over his head in a gesture of silent defiance.
Dyes ran with his arms against his sides as if he had to hold in his stomach, but Lee noticed he had his middle finger on both hands extended in silent, profane defiance.
Raising her chin in silent defiance, she felt like a whiny child insisting on some impossible whim, but she had had enough of this "adventure" with Luc.
It allowed across-the-board, silent defiance of international treaties and conventions: one cannot apply the limits and terms of humane treatment in war if one cannot locate a victim or discern that victim's fate.
The five-story yellow brick building with graceful curves sits on the corner of Willis Avenue across the street from two vacant littered lots, in silent defiance of urban fate.
His eyes hooded over as he stood in silent defiance.
Their silent defiance of the capricious indifference of the white man's world?
The boy stood straight, glaring silent defiance, but the small hand gripped Harry's sleeve with a desperate anxiety.