Overall performance in the study significantly predicted improvements in students' standardized test scores after taking the teachers' classes.
Results indicated interpersonal attraction and nonverbal immediacy significantly predict predicted outcome value, but not future date decisions.
H-FABP has been proven to significantly predict 30 day mortality in acute pulmonary embolism.
The study also found that there were variable factors that significantly predicted the language of dreams.
In postimplantation, an increased percentage of ventricular paced beats is the only variable that significantly predicts development of pacemaker syndrome.
Moreover, this research shows the amount of doses consumed does not significantly predict memory performance.
As early as 1965, studies have shown that there are several broad behavioral traits that significantly predict behavior and are genetically determined.
Steinfield, C. et al. (2010) found, that "the amount of perceived social capital significantly predicted market exposure" of company performance in a knowledge-intensive business cluster.
Empathic concern did not, however, significantly predict anger response, and higher personal distress was associated with increased anger.
The facet of interpersonal facilitation significantly predicts organizational commitment.