The counties residing in the "black belt" are significantly poorer than the rest of the state.
People who are poor are significantly poorer than a decade ago.
However, drinking more than four alcoholic drinks per day during middle age seems to be linked with significantly poorer thinking ability later in life.
Yet many of the miners have lost their jobs and the town is significantly poorer.
If only nominal wages are considered, the conclusion has to be that people used to be significantly poorer than today.
In popular tradition the population of north Dublin is perceived as significantly poorer than its southern counterpart.
They did a significantly poorer job of managing their diabetes than those with mild or moderate pain.
Significantly poorer people will therefore be amongst us and also competing for jobs.
The prospects of groups living in spatial, cultural and communications isolation are significantly poorer.
Both the quality and quantity of common positions were significantly poorer than in 1994.