But the information also shows that the National Intelligence Estimate, produced in 2002 by the Central Intelligence Agency and other agencies, significantly overestimated Iraq's current abilities.
Military intelligence greatly underestimated the North's strength in Vietnam, for example, and significantly overestimated Warsaw Pact strength in Europe.
He faulted Mr. Evangeliste for increasing spending while cutting taxes and significantly overestimating revenues from the state.
A 2005 study of traders and investment bankers at two large banks, for instance, found that they significantly overestimated their knowledge of finance and the accuracy of their predictions.
Governments and organizations around the world may be significantly overestimating just how much coal is available, the new study says.
At the height of the Industrial Revolution, the United Kingdom commissioned a number of estimates on national coal reserves, many of which significantly overestimated the actual extant.
Due to a manual error, the exit poll used by NRK significantly overestimated the support for the Socialist Left Party.
Most women significantly overestimate both their own risk of dying from breast cancer and the effect screening mammography could have on it.
Statistics show that forecasters significantly overestimate the lessening of wind velocities in annular hurricanes.
The survey also showed that customers significantly overestimate the price of water and wastewater services compared to the actual price.