If Mr. Bush accepts that judgment, it could significantly complicate choices he must make in the next several months.
This possibility significantly complicated the ability of scientists to verify this planet.
This process was significantly complicated in Britain by the enduring existence of the historical medical colleges.
Short but strong rainshowers can appear out of nowhere and significantly complicate the tyre-choice.
The presence of a mixture can significantly complicate the analysis and potentially compromise the results.
This can significantly complicate the task of foreign speakers in learning these paradigms; but, on the other hand, it makes spelling easier for native speakers.
Being a son of a political prisoner significantly complicated the life of K.B. Tolpygo.
The split decision eliminated that possibility and significantly complicated his effort to retain a leadership role.
It significantly complicates a redistricting process that has been confused by what one Senate lawyer today called "a blizzard of lawsuits."
Such events significantly complicate the ability to prescribe with great accuracy or specificity the committee's entire oversight agenda.