Mean January temperatures are -30 to -35 C, though wind chill makes it appear significantly colder.
This is a very similar pattern to what happens in classic Mediterranean climates - except that the temperatures are significantly colder.
Because the island is so far south and is influenced by circumpolar weather systems, average temperatures are significantly colder than most of Australia.
The ground started to get significantly colder under Malenfant, and he was shivering.
Winters in the North Atlantic region get significantly colder.
This ultimately causes the air to be significantly colder near the poles than at the equator.
The rain had stopped, and it was significantly colder than it had been when he'd arrived that morning.
Due to its altitude, the summit of the Nevado is significantly colder then the surrounding area.
Springs are very variable, it is warmer than fall in most areas (especially in the west) but significantly colder along the Atlantic.
The local climate became significantly colder during the ensuing Quaternary period.