There is a small craterlet overlapping the northwest rim, but otherwise the outer wall has not suffered significant wear.
Given that the series was very popular when it was produced, printing continued until the woodblocks started to show significant wear.
The formation is circular and symmetrical, and has receive little significant wear.
The rim is free from significant wear and the inner walls slope down relatively sharply to the interior floor.
By 2004, the then 28-year-old concrete had shown significant wear.
The crater rim is symmetrical and shows little significant wear from impacts.
It has not received significant wear from subsequent impacts.
By 1959 the carousel had undergone significant wear, and many of the original animals were switched for less elaborate ones.
During the 2011-12 football season the natural surface underwent significant wear and damage.
The practice led to significant wear and visible discoloration on the lower portion of the pillar.