Promising Signs Without an exhibition game under their considerable belts, the Jets' offensive line already shows the promise to be a significant unit for some years.
Usually, the pattern was to leave the entire estate to one's immediate family or other relatives, thereby "preserving the family as a significant social unit".
The Directorate of Support has organizational and administrative functions to significant units including:
The last significant Somali unit left Ethiopia on 15 March 1978, marking the end of the war.
The following order of battle lists the significant military units that participated in the battle, or were available as reserve.
In Beethoven's case, motifs, developed organically, came to replace melody as the most significant compositional unit.
An endangered species is usually a taxonomic species, but may be another evolutionary significant unit.
Within the kindred, the family constitutes the significant unit and is, unlike the larger network of personal relations of the kindred, a corporate group.
On a farm, the significant unit of time is a season.
Consequently, they doubt that any significant units will be sold or spun off.